Ljubljana (German: Laibach, Italian: Lubiana, Latin: Labacum or Aemona) is the capital and largest city of Slovenia. Located in the middle of a trade route between the northern Adriatic Sea and the Danube region, it has been a historical capital of the Carniola, a Slovene-inhabited part of Austria-Hungary and is now the cultural, educational, economic, political and administrative center of Slovenia, independent since 1961. Its central geographic location within Slovenia, transport connections, concentration of industry, scientific and research institutions and cultural tradition are contributing factors to its leading position.
Twin cities[]
Graz, Austria
Vienna, Austria
Brussels, Belgium
Sarajevo, Bosnia
Nottingham, British Empire
Ploce, Croatia
Rijeka, Croatia
Zagreb, Croatia
Chemnitz, Germany
Leverkusen, Germany
Wiesbaden, Germany
Athens, Greece
Parma, Italy
Pesaro, Italy
Skopje, Macedonia
Bratislava, Slovakia
Moscow, Soviet Union
Tbilisi, Soviet Union
Sousse, Tunisia
Mardin, Turkey
Belgrade, Yugoslavia