Pacifica, officially known as the Union of Pacifica, is a country situated on the western portion of North America. It consists of 5 states, a federal district, and various unincorporated territories. It shares significant land borders with the Republic of Cascadia, the Republic of Texas, and Revolutionary Mexico. The nation is characterized by the presence of immense social instability and authoritarian rule.
Originally founded as the "Free State of Pacifica", the nation was established in 1971, and has been at odds with the United States of America ever since. At some point the nation was renamed as The Union of Pacifica. In 1985 the Pacifica Ministry of State Security was established. It is an independent federal department responsible for managing the Union of Pacifica's counter-intelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. In 1991 the Pacifica National Police was established. It is responsible for functioning as a protections organization, assisting local law enforcement, and patrolling the nation's highways.
The Union of Pacifica is located on the western portion of North America, and occupies the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, and parts of Baja Mexico
Pacifica operates as a de jure federal republic lead by a State Leader, who is deputized by a Prime Minister. The government is comprised of three branches, the legislative, the judiciary, and the executive. De facto control of the government falls under the State Committee, which is the junta that currently governs the Union of Pacifica. Under Pacifica's federal system, citizens are subject to three levels of government: federal, state, and local.
Government Organizations
Pacifica is responsible for sanctioning or directly operating various entities that operate within the country:
- Pacifica Department of State - Responsible for the management of foreign policy and international relations
- Pacifica Ground Forces - Land service branch of the Pacifica Armed Forces
- Pacifica Judiciary - Provides nationwide court service
- Pacifica National Diet - Unicameral legislative body
- Pacifica National Police - Provides nationwide law enforcement
- Ministry of State Security - Foreign and domestic intelligence service and principal national law enforcement agency